Burundi Izuba

From:  11.21

Blackberry, Date, Tea

Burundi Izuba From:  11.21

Burundi IZUBA

Region: Runinya, Kayanza Province

Washing station: Izuba

Altitude: 1500 – 1700 masl

Coffee varieties: Red Bourbon

Process: Natural process

Drying: Raised bed

Cupping notes: Blackberry, Date, Tea

Cupping score: 86.25

Izuba meaning “sun” in Kirundi, is located in Runinya, Kabarore Commune, of Kayanza Province. 

All cherries are hand-sorted before a pre-pulp float, under ripe or damaged cherry is removed. Once the cherry is sorted and cleaned, it is ready to be dried. The cherries are laid out evenly across raised beds, providing consistent airflow, and height away to prevent moisture and animals coming into contact with the cherry. 

 The cherry is dried for between 25 and 30 days, turned constantly when the sun is high and covered during the night. Once the cherry has dried, the now dried outer fruit is removed, and the coffee beans are ready to be organized for packing.

Once the fermentation is complete, the water is drained, and the sheet is removed. The now fermented coffee is rinsed and drained of all residual liquid. For the washed process to continue, the cherries are pulped , washed and graded  before sun dried on raised beds for between 15 and 20 days.


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