COSTA RICA–El Diamante

From:  19.97

Cinnamon, Apple strudel, Manuka Honey

COSTA RICA–El Diamante From:  19.97

A Limited Edition Coffee

Region: San Ramón


Altitude: 1400-1500 masl

Varieties: Bourbon

Process: Natural Anaerobic

Drying: Raised bed

Cupping notes: Cinnamon, Apple strudel, Manuka Honey

Cupping score:89

The owner is Brayan Rivera Urenu. Brayan is a member of Café de Altura de San Ramón Especial SA (Café de Altura), an association founded in 2004 which currently has more than 3500 members who receive technical support to increase their coffee quality and productivity.

El Diamante is an example of how much innovation and research can bring enormous benefits to all small producers. Firstly, once the cherries arrive at the mill, they are washed and also to separate by specific weight the floaters from the high-density beans. Then, the cherries are placed in the stainless-steel fermentation tank with extra mucilage from 13 different coffees that were previously chosen. Thereafter, the fermentation process starts. Many factors such as temperature, brix degrees, pressure, time and movement are fully controlled during the whole fermentation period in order to achieve the best results.

After 48 hours, the coffee cherries are downloaded into a big perforated basket to drain out all the extra mucilage and liquids. Then, the cherries are transported to the green houses where they are laid on the African beds and the drying stage begins. After a month, the cherries are raised and hermetically stored to let them rest and to protect them from the humidity and any other factor that could damage the quality.


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