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NEW SINGLE ORIGIN RELEASE: Ethiopia: Samii Hambela (Washed)

Samii Hambela - Badger & Dodo

This washed Ethiopian has quickly become our favourite coffee to have in the hopper at the roastery. With notes of Oolong Tea, Honeysuckle, and Nectarine you can’t go wrong.

Region: Guji 

Altitude: 1950-2100masl

Coffee varieties: Wolisho, Kurume

Process: Washed

Drying: Dried over a 10 day 

Cupping notes: Oolong Tea, Nectarine, Honeysuckle

Cupping score: 88

The Benti Nenka Washing Station is located in the heart of Guji with a total of 600 farmers delivering red cherries from surrounding areas.

The Hambela Wamena woreda is home to a collection of smallholder farmers totaling 6,000 hectares of coffee. The average farm size in Guji is three hectares.

Cherries are collected manually and hand sorted later. The cultivars are Welisho and Kurume.

Cherries are pulped by a traditional Agaarde Discpulper. Skin and fruit pulp are removed before the machine grades the parchment in water as 1st or 2nd quality, determined by density. Wet fermentation for 48 hours.

Coffees are washed in channels, and graded in water by density. The lower density (lower quality) will float and are removed, leaving only the denser and therefore higher quality beans which are separated as higher grade lots.

After fermentation, soaking takes place for 2 hours.

Coffee is then piled up in layers which are 2cm in height and dried over a 10 day period then followed by hand sorting for 2-4 hours.

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