We couldn’t be more excited to be releasing our latest Single Origin offering from one of our favourite growing regions in Yirgacheffe Ethiopia. This region is know for producing clean, but funky coffees year in and year out. This coffee checks all the boxes for us at Badger & Dodo when it comes to Natural Ethiopians. Funky and adventurous – CHECK Clean and not overly boozy – CHECK Fruity and expressive – CHECK Sweet and delicious – CHECK Region: Yirgacheffe Altitude: 2000masl Farm size: 10 ha Coffee varieties: Heirloom varieties Process: Natural Drying: Raised bed Cupping notes: Plum, Orange, Figs Cupping score: 86.50 Click HERE to buy now! Almaz is a hard working “women in coffee” producer, and is a new private medium sized producer. We say medium sized because she is between a small holder and an estate owner. She is mainly doing naturals. She’s located in the woreda called Bule in Yirgacheffe. Individual farmers in Ethiopia have been given more freedom to export their own coffee in recent years, but few farmers know where to start. They are not able to reach the importers or roasters on their own, so many continue to sell their coffee to washing stations where they earn a fixed price, and lose their identity by being blended into larger lots.Ayidefer, manager of a farmer representative company who introduced our importer to Almaz Sahille, aims to help farmers connect directly with specialty importers and roasters.Once the coffee cherries are harvested, they are hand-sorted to remove unripe and overripe cherries before they are delivered to the washing station for processing. The cherries are dried in a relatively thin layer at about 3-4 cm the first days. They will build up the layers to 6-10 cm after a few days. The coffees are moved frequently and they will be covered during the hottest hours of the day to protect the cherries from intense sunlight, then again at night to protect against humidity. This will also help improve quality as the coffee is rested and the drying more homogeneous. Drying naturals at these altitudes can take up to 20 days |

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