Region: Agaro, Jimma
Altitude: 1950-2100masl
Coffee varieties: 74110, 74112, Heirloom
Process: Natural
Drying: Dried over a 10 day period
Cupping notes: Toffee, Peach, Blackberry
Cupping score: 87
Mustefa Abakeno is a smallholder with 18 hectares of land near Agaro in the Jimma Zone of Western Ethiopia.
His farm is located at 2,040masl and is planted with coffee varieties from the Jimma research centre. Mustefa has a small disc pulper that he uses to wash-process half of his coffee; the other half is dried as a natural.
Due to a lack of water in the area and limited space to ferment the coffee, The naturals take 24-27 days to dry on the African (raised) beds.
Local farmers that bring their cherries to the washing station. Harun has been improving processes at the washing station: installing shade netting to cover drying beds during the hottest hours of the day; instigating cherry selection at the delivery point; tagging day lots in order to keep them separate and monitor moisture content throughout the drying phase, ensuring even drying before the lots are assembled.
Mustefa is currently training farmers in good agricultural practices (GAP) in order to improve the quality and productivity of their coffee gardens.